Campout Dec 4-6: Wright Patterson Air Force Museum & Camp Birch

Event:  USAF Museum and Camp Birch
Event Date: December 4-6, 2020
Form Due: 11/30/20
Cost: $20.00

Where (Camping):    Camp Hugh Taylor Birch – 4057 Swimming Pool Rd., Yellow Springs, OH 45387
Where (Sat Activity):  National Museum of the United States Air Force, 1100 Spaatz Street Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433

Hello Troop 332!

Attached is the permission slip for the December campout.  We will be attending the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH for the day on Saturday.  The Scouts always look forward to this visit at the museum.  It’s constantly evolving with new things to see and do.

We will be camping at Camp Hugh Taylor Birch.  We have a tent site reserved and Scouts will continue to stay in separated pods by patrol.  We have a shelter available if we need it.

We do have a day trip option for those who aren’t able to camp with us.  The $5 cost will cover the group lunch.  We’ll be eating outside of the museum, in patrols.

We will be continuing with patrol cooking for this campout; with a slight twist.  To minimize exposure to the food, we will ask the same pair of Scouts for each patrol to cook all meals the entire weekend.  Each patrol leader will need to find a Grubmaster within their patrol to purchase the food they plan on their menu.  This Scout is responsible for bringing the cooler home from the church on the Monday before and bringing it back on that Friday when we leave for the campout.