Eagle ScoutIdEagle DateLocationDescription

Stephen deSanJose 56 1/17/2014 Dublin Coffman High School Replaced signposts and painted signs, built shelves and hooks for the stadium
Camron Jackson 55 1/6/14 Ohio Wildlife Center and Hospital Construction
Brendan Jackson 54 12/23/2013 Ohio Wildlife Center and Hospital Construction
Dillon Castelli 53 12/2/2013 Jewish Community Center Constructed a shade sail and installed foam tiles for a play area
Alex Brown 52 11/25/2012 Worthington Estates Elementary Relandscaped the kindergarten entrance, replaced nearby fence
Michael White 51 11/16/2012 Glacier Ridge Metro Park Reforested an area, planting 265 trees
Philip Lempke 50 10/17/2012 Dublin Scioto High School Renovated the visitors’ concession stand
Jordan Klein 49 9/14/2012 Gateway Community Church Created a landscape rock garden, fire pit, and benches in the courtyard
Michael Revilla 48 8/22/2012 St. Andrew Christian Church Refurbished volleyball court, built portable benches
William White 47 8/21/2012 Dublin Scioto High School Created and installed trophy case for High School band room
Aron Lime 46 8/12/2012 Leatherlips Yacht Club Built benches
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