- Troop 332 - https://www.troop-332.com -

Camping Orientation

Camping Orientation



This information packet is intended to be a frequently updated guide to assist Scouts and families in Troop 332 in having a positive, fun, and educational camping experience.  In general, the youth leadership of the troop are responsible for camping, with few exceptions.  They will be communicating their expectations with the Scouts for each campout, but remember, they too are learning and growing along the way.  This guide will help fill in some gaps where they may leave off.



Campouts are advertised and announced verbally by the youth leadership at troop meetings and outings.  Each year’s leadership chooses the best method to communicate with the rest of the troop and encourage participation.

The Adult leadership will communicate camping information through electronic means such as email and our website.  We are available to answer questions (in person and otherwise) where the youth responsibilities leave off; such as reservations, medications, special instructions, etc.


Youth Protection Training (YPT)

YPT is required of all BSA Leaders.  It is also required for all adults that attend Summer Camp with the Troop.  It is recommended that all adults attending our campouts take this course.  I recommend that ALL parents sign in to My Scouting and take the BSA Youth Protection Training.  You do not need a BSA id to sing on and take this.  By taking this, you will know what the leaders of Troop 332 are required and allowed to do.  You can go to https://myscouting.scouting.org [1] and create an account and take the online course.  It will only take you about 20 minutes to do.


Signup & Payments


Grubmaster (food purchase)

Each patrol designates a “Grubmaster” for each campout who is responsible for purchasing and transporting food to the campout.

Grubmaster responsibilities are as follows


While it’s the Scout (family) responsibility to arrange transportation to and from campouts, Troop 332 does our best to work out carpooling arrangements in advance.  To facilitate this, it’s important to note if you can drive to the campout on the permission slip.  This should include the total number of seat-belted seats available the car, including yourself.

If we are unable to secure enough drivers to or from a campout, we will request additional drivers help with transportation.  Our goal is always to take as few vehicles as possible.

Troop 332 does not reimburse for fuel expenses, with some exceptions.  Typically, we will reimburse the trailer drive a marginal amount on longer trips.  Other exceptions made based on judgement at the time.

Check-In / Check-Out Procedures

Electronics Policy

Troop 332’s electronics policy is designed for the safety and benefit of your Scout.  Our intent is not to keep anything secret or hidden from parents and families, but rather to protect our Scouts.  Above and beyond the potential for lost and broken devices, removing electronics from campouts allows us to have an effective line of communication between Scouts and families, avoid inappropriate use, and provide a quality & enjoyable camping experience for the Scout.

Medical Forms


There is always an adult designated to keep and administer medicines for the youth.  Please bring those to the church on Friday in a labelled Ziploc bag.  We prefer that they be in an original container with the pharmacy directions on the outside.  PLEASE do not send more than your son needs for the weekend.  Going forward, please save at least one extra original bottle.  This way you can use last month’s empty bottle to fill with a weekend’s worth of medicines and send with our adult.  If a parent is going with us, they may hold the medicine.

Tent Buddies

It is a Scouts duty to work with his Patrol and Patrol Leader before a campout to have a tent buddy for the campout.  Patrol Leaders and Patrols should have these plans finalized on Monday before a campout.  A Scout can tent with his parent or legal guardian.  They cannot tent with any adult that is not a parent or legal guardian. This is defined in the YTP Training listed above.

Camping Equipment

Refer to our gear guide for detailed information on equipment Scouts should bring to a campout.  Here are a few basic items



Updated March 2017