Eagle ScoutIdEagle DateLocationDescription

Collin Lime 34 7/28/09 Westerville Community United Church of Christ New memorial benches – set in concrete, made benches
Tim Stawser 33 10/6/08 St. Joan of Arc Storage Facility Built three shelf units to organize shed
Edward Lempke 32 12/5/07 Glacier Ridge Metro Park Bridge
Robert Williams 31 10/15/07 Delaware State Park Benches Campground Amphitheater
Ronald White 30 7/30/07 Glacier Ridge Metro park Conservation area amphitheater
Jason Clark 29 7/11/07 Northeast School on Hamilton Road Walkway and Archway
Nathan Smith 28 11/13/06 St. Joan of Arc Shelving units in nursery
Nick Marsh 27 7/10/06 St. Joan of Arc Benches
Ryan Rothrock 26 1/10/06 Alum Creek State Park Nature Trail including two bridges
Brian Batchelder 25 3/7/05 Worthington Kilbourne High School Bridge over ravine
Clark Seiling 24 1/17/05 Woodbridge Green Neighborhood Park Renovation of Park at Hard and RR
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